explanation of nature

美 [ˌekspləˈneɪʃn əv ˈneɪtʃər]英 [ˌekspləˈneɪʃn ɒv ˈneɪtʃə(r)]
  • 对自然的解释;【辨证法】自然解释
explanation of natureexplanation of nature
  1. The11 questions are all involved in this book Search For The Ultimate Explanation Of Nature and the answers to them is available .


  2. In this paper , the author argues that , The explanation of nature phenomenon is in need of understanding , and the understanding of human social phenomenon is in need of explanation .


  3. Property Right Explanation of Internal Nature of Stock-issuing System


  4. Taoist exploration of humanity focuses on the analysis and explanation of human nature .


  5. The explanation of individual nature is that how the executive authorities to interpret the question of the legal norms application .


  6. A tentative analysis of the mechanism of mantle circulation flow , continent drifting and earthquake origin is first clearly made , giving a simple mechanics-based explanation of the nature .


  7. It would betray bad psychology , however , to have recourse to mechanism for an explanation of the nature of memory , and to apply mechanical laws straight off to the soul .


  8. As a conception in civil law system , the conception of multiple persons ' torts with no intention or negligence should be assisted by the explanation of the nature of joint torts .


  9. In fact , this myth keeps an immemorial memory of the ancient people , which is a kind of imaginary explanation of a nature phenomenon of " Mock Sun " in ancient times .


  10. Regarding the philosophic explanation of " Nature " as a cut-in point in the aesthetics study , it explores the basic connotation of Ruan Ji 's aesthetic thought taking concept on nature as the core .


  11. But Marx finally provided scientific answer to the liberation of human beings based on his rational and objective explanation of human nature . So Marx 's freedom and liberation theory has significant theoretical and practical meaning because it gives theoretical base to the issue of human liberation and freedom .


  12. The doctrine of ownership transfer with conditions for suspension is a better explanation of the legal nature of ownership reservation .


  13. Magee : How , on the basis of what you have been saying , are you able to provide an explanation of laws of nature , and of how we get to know them ?


  14. It begins with an explanation of the legal nature of BOT projects , followed by a thorough analysis of various kinds of legal agreements possibly involved in the projects , and a one-by-one analysis on the legal nature of each individual agreement .


  15. First , under recognition of risk , it is redefined based on the explanation of its elements , nature and character . and Enterprise Risk Management Theory .
